How to Listen to Music in BRSARs

Our Wii Content Corner

This is a tutorial on how to play music from BRSARs, and this method is way better than using BrawlBox.

You Will Need:


    1. NOTE: On Step 3, when I tell you to press buttons, I'm talking about the key corresponding to the button that's configured in "Controller Settings" on your keyboard.
  1. Open Dolphin Emulator. Go to Config > Paths > DVD Root and hit Browse to find the directory with your BRSAR File. Please make sure there is nothing in the Apploader path below this option.
  2. Run SoundPlayer.elf. Now hit the HOME Button and on the window that pops up, on Mode, hit the Right key on your keyboard thrice to enter Sound Mode.
  3. On the top left corner of your screen, you should see a > symbol next to a green square. Looking at that certain area, use the Left or Right keys to find the sound effects or music that you want to dump.
  4. Before you play the track, go into the Movie sidebar on the emulator and select Dump Audio. Then hit the A key to play the track you want to dump.
  5. When you want to stop the recording, go back into the Movie sidebar and deselect Dump Audio.
  6. Now find your emulator's main directory and go into the Dump > Audio directories. dspdump.wav has your newly recorded track.
  7. Optional - Use your audio editing software to edit the audio track to adjust it to how you want it.
  8. Enjoy your new music rip, and thanks for reading! ~Larsenv


Buttons Description
+Control Pad Up/Down Moves the cursor on the screen.
+Control Pad Left/Right Lets you scroll through the sounds.
A Button Play the currently selected sound.
- Button Stops playing the currently selected sound.
2 Button Restarts or pauses the sound.
+ Button Moves the Play and the Parameter panel.
1 Button Groups the rows selected.
Z Button and +Control Pad Left/Right Increases or decreases the values of the numbers in the Parameters by 10x.
Z Button and Control Stick Left/Right Changes Parameters.